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Find Your Place with Us

Prayer Meeting


Prayer plays a vital role in Jesus’s life and ministry on earth. God sometimes chooses to perform miracles because His people pray. People are healed both physically and spiritually because of prayer to God. Whenever we come together to pray, it becomes a
central, important and focal point of our worship to God


We invite you to join us for our Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 7.30pm.


Life Groups


Life Groups (LGs) meet to encourage and help us grow deeper in Christ, to keep growing toward maturity and live daily under His Lordship. It also promotes Christian Fellowship and provides an environment to strengthen the bond among the disciples of Christ.

We invite you to join one of the following LGs.


Central LG

2nd. & 4th Fridays of the month at 7:30pm


Kelvin Grove

2nd. & 4th Fridays of the month at 7:30pm


Awapuni LG

2nd. & 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:30pm


Online LG 

2nd. & 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:30pm


Epic Encounter Ministry


Students, youths and young working adults meet for a time of devotion, music practice and a meal, and are encouraged to serve the Church with the gifts God has blessed them with.


We invite you to join Epic Encounter

on the 1 st and 3 rd Friday of the month at 6.30pm.

Men’s Fellowship


The men’s fellowship aims to help men heed the call on man pertaining to biblical manhood. The intent is for men to take on the challenge of ‘iron sharpens iron’ (Proverbs 27:17), encouraging others in need of refreshing and exhorting one another in biblical manhood.
We invite you to join our men for Breakfast and Fellowship on the 4th Saturday of the month at 8.30am.

Activities include a mix of study/video sessions and discussions as well as other activities such as outings (e.g. Bowling, Walking/Trekking, etc.)

Women’s Fellowship


The women’s fellowship aims to support and motivate women on their journey as followers of God as well as to encourage those in need of refreshing and exhortation in biblical womanhood.

We invite you to join our women for Fellowship on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10.00 am. Activities include a mix of study/video sessions and discussions, occasional lunch fellowship and other activities such as cooking/baking, etc.

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